Mikayla Nangle

Artist Bio

Mikayla Nangle is a freelance dance artist based in Newcastle currently working with Catapult Dance Choreographic Hub under the directorship of Cadi McCarthy. During her time at Catapult, Mikayla has engaged with international choreographers such as Rachael Erdos in her piece The Loneliness Project and Israel Aloni in In Your Face performed at The Lock-up gallery. Mikayla is a member of the Catapult Company which performed Awkward in Newcastle’s city hall and later as it toured throughout regional New South Wales. The company also exhibited Acquist, a site specific work in the Margel hinder fountain commissioned by the New Annual festival through the City of Newcastle. In 2020 Catapult Company created the program Mixed Bill which commissioned choreographers Adam Blanch, Kristina Chan, Omer Bachley-Astrachan and Craig Bary to create new works that exhibited in Newcastle and Sydney. Mikayla has performed in site specifics works as well as multidisciplinary collaborations with musicians and visual artists through Catapult’s Propel choreographic residency program. In 2018 Mikayla performed in That Place In Between, choreographed by Cadi McCarthy in partnership with The Civic Theatre and The Arts House Wyong. Throughout 2018 Mikayla began to develop her own choreographic work through supported Catapult’s Hunter Seed residencies, creating her first solo work titled And Yet… Mikayla has participated in a range of choreographic labs through Dirty Feet and was involved in Emma Harrison’s Out of the Studio piece Madonna. She worked with Lisa McDonnell in Chamber Dances and prior to this she was a company dancer with Austinmer Dance Theatre. Mikayla trained with Sydney Dance Company through their Pre-Professional year program in 2016 and received a full scholarship, which enabled her to learn and create work with renowned choreographers such as Lloyd Newson, Antony Hamilton, Sue Healey, Kristina Chan and Thomas Bradley. In 2021, Mikayla will be creating Re/Collect, a collaboration with Alexandra Ford and composer Julian Boggs to be performed as part of a Catapult and Critical Path choreographic exchange. Mikayla continues to create works through the catapult propel program that facilitates multidisciplinary collaborations between dancers, artist, musicians and the like.

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